The ingredient form

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The ingredient form

The Ingredient Form is the point in the program where all ingredient creation, modification and deletion takes place.  It is divided into two major sections. To the left of the window is the browser pane. To the right are eight tabbed sub-forms (or pages). Each sub-form lets you view or edit a different aspect of an individual ingredient's properties.


Browser Pane


The browser pane displays the names of all ingredients currently selected for display.    Select an ingredient in the browser to display that ingredient's details in the tabbed sub-forms (or pages) on the right.


Tabbed sub-forms (or pages)


The tabbed sub-forms (or pages) on the right of the Ingredient Form provide a number of different views of the information relating to the currently selected ingredient.  The Ingredient Form has eight sub-forms.


The General details page shows the name, purchase quantity, usage units and yield of the current ingredient. A list of categories which have been allocated to the ingredient category type is accessed from within this page.  A list of all suppliers for the current database is also accessed from within this page. Ingredient costs can also be entered in this form as well as retail selling prices and any unit conversions for the selected ingredient.


The Picture page displays a picture of the current ingredient (if available).


The Notes page displays any relevant notes for the selected ingredient.


The Purchases page displays any invoices that included a purchase of the selected ingredient.


The Stock page displays any stores assigned to the selected ingredient and the quantity and value of the stock for each store at the time of the last stock count.


The References page shows each instance where the current ingredient is used.


See the following image.

